Friday, January 27, 2006

ABOUT AWOL USA Alcohol Without Liquid Machine

Apparently a hit in bars in Europe and Asia, AWOL is a nebulizer that sprays booze right into your lungs. The high is 'sposed to be intense. And now its being sold in the USA. But wait! This is Massachusetts and we like to legislate your morality. SO - the great people up in the state house are making sure we never get it here in Mass cuz it just wouldn't be a good idea... They've decided its BAAAAAAD for us. What the fuck would we do without those guys? We might end up having a good time for chrissakes! Honestly, probably something I wouldn't try, but do I need the state to decide that for me? Ahhh, no.

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ABOUT AWOL USA Alcohol Without Liquid Machine


Anonymous said...

Ha...AWOL is also the name of a very intense A.A. program. Irony?

anticrombie said...

Ahhh, the BEST ironies are the most cruel.

So, Wuzzup bob?!

Anonymous said...

I love the way ice cubes clink around in a glass of scotch. I'd miss that.

Anonymous said...

Just got an '06 525i for tracy. I tried to get her into a Scion....then I sobered up