Saturday, December 31, 2005

The Second 2005 MUTHA EFFA! Award Goes to:

Ben Stein! He was cute in Ferris Buehler, sorta entertaining as a game show host, but who knew this former Nixon employee was a screaming conservative d-bag? He can now be seen and heard issuing his particular form of tripe on CBS New Sunday Morning as well. See the title link for some of his retarded musings. So, Ben, Congrats on being the recipient of the second 2005 MUTHA EFFA! Award! You deserve it, you massive putz.


Anonymous said...

I've got to agree with you on this one. I saw him do a commentary on Sunday Morning where he was talking about why he loves Wal-Mart. And another one on why he was voting for the shrub. I don't understand how such an intelligent, well-read person can be such a knee-jerk conservative! :::shudder:::

Anonymous said...

This one surprises me. I guess I never really thought of him as much more than some funny guy. But his stint on "Win Ben Stein's Money" should've been a warning to us all that this was in the offing. After all, it proved that he loves to shout over other people in the process of asserting his genius. Remind you of anyone else?

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