Monday, December 19, 2005 For Bush, 9/11 justifies eavesdropping

George II was on his game today at the press conference (which PREEMPTED MARTHA STEWART, btw!). He was smoother and more eloquent than I've seen him. I still don't buy his rhetoric, but today it was quite clear that he surely does. If he could be this entertaining more often, I might just lay off him a little, (it *IS* the Yuletide, after all.) Flashback to 1941: Loose lips sink ships! Someone Talked! MMMmmm, nothin' like a little nostalgic american propaganda to make you feel all warm inside... For Bush, 9/11 justifies eavesdropping

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Babylon has directed me to your eclectic blog! I heartily approve and have added it to my list, along with Eschaton, The Rude Pundit, James Wolcott, TBogg and This Modern World.

I think my nom de plume will give me away...